We are urgently seeking a living kidney donor for William, 17 year old boy from Lancaster. The Court case will take place on 28 February to 3 March when the Court will decide if he is allowed to have a kidney transplant. The Hospital says that he shouldn’t have transplant due to his autism and ADHD. Let’s show the Court that there are plenty of donors for William.
Remember, you can be any age and any health condition. This doesn’t stop people from becoming kidney donors. The hospital does a detailed check to check who can be a donor.
This link tells exactly how to test if we can be a match to be a living kidney donor for William. Please put your postcode and your nearest transplant hospital will show. Please use the contact details to tell the hospital you want to be tested if you’re a match for William Verden. Please also tell us that you enquired with the hospital as keeping a track on the number of people who enquired could help William in his court ca.
More information about William's story has been described by all UK biggest media, for example: