Welcome to Global Kidney Foundation
Fizza Shah has a Bachelors of science in Psychology and a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology awarded from Buckinghamshire New University. She is a Positive Psychology Practitioner and Director of Positive Well being Association. Her career started with banking and then progressed to working with special needs children to voluntary college teacher for Psychology.
Her journey of change has been an inner passion to pursue Positive Well being for all with the initiation of the Positive Well being Association http://positivewellbeingassociation.com/.
Positive Psychology has inspired her to look at positive interventions that ignite better well being and change the way society deals with clinical issues in a more positive adaptive manner. With the focus on Martin Seligman (Seligman, 2011) founding father of positive psychology with the goal of increasing worldwide Well being by 51% by 2051 she starts her humble journey towards a positive mindset “Positive Well being for all”.
Positive Psychology for health care solutions
Positive Psychology advocates optimal levels of human functioning with the main purpose of acquiring flourishing behaviours to reach our full potential. The discipline provides a very robust Positive clinical framework in which such Positive toolkits can be accomplished through perseverance and adaptation of Positive Psychology Interventions. Such interventions adapt certain Positive activities within a five dimensional framework of Positive well being called the PERMA model. Such models are a foundation for Positive Psychology practitioners to use them to implement activities in accordance to the individuals needs.
Positive psychology furthermore advocates the humanistic viewpoint and the Carl Rogers’ client-centered therapy. Whereby the humanistic approach in psychology steers professional’s towards implementing empathetic counselling, which is client-centered based. The purpose of a therapist is to provide human empowerment to kidney patient clients with free counselling which is available over the phone by kidney care uk by booking appointments to gain access to your Positive Well being today. Also to gain further precautionary advice for dialysis during COVID-19 you can acquire patient support advice that is very informative indeed from the National Kidney patient support line. For a more holistic Positive Well being the following activities would provide opportunities for kidney patients to acquire long lasting well being within the most profound model of well being proposed within Positive Psychology the PERMA model.
Kidney patients can cultivate Positive emotions through the practise of cultivating optimism, by keeping a Positive Health journal thus cultivating Positive hope by tracking their dietary intake with the best possible health outcomes thus being mindful of their potassium and phosphorous food intake. Furthermore by practising religious activities they can recite positive health prayers, reading virtuous spirituality books and can practise Spring Forest Qiqong meditation to cultivate positive energy for 10 minutes a day.
The Engagement of patients within activities is an imperative opportunity for them to create flow moments doing things they like for long periods of time. These would entail creating Positive music playlists that uplift their moods during their dialysis sessions. After dialysis they could listen to positive motivational speeches as the sessions are quite draining for them as this would harbour them to a more Positive mindset. The implementation of Positive coping strategies like gaining prior arrangements of what their renal clinic has in place to avoid infection during the COVID-19 situation. The development of a meal plan for two week slots in accordance to their dietary requirements thus mindfully balancing their potassium and phosphorous food intake monitored by medical staff. Taking power naps is a very good way to re energise their brain and body too.
The building and broadening of Positive relationships forming good contacts with your medical staff through emails, telephone and in person entails investing time thus leading to cultivating healing to enjoying their input in their lives. Building a Positive Communication Hub that entails professional support, friends, family and work colleagues giving the patient an affirmation of having a four dimensional support network. The formation of a Positive Communication hub would indeed harbour any unnecessary negative feelings of denial regarding their illness.
The formation of meaningful tasks would entail patients practising acts of kindness dedicating time to paying gratitude visits to patients with terminal illnesses. Furthermore savouring life joy moments, by making a Positive portfolio of photographs of loved ones or landscapes that cultivate a Positive joy emotion is strongly recommended. Finally the final element of Positive well being is having the feeling of accomplishments by expressing ones gratitude by counting ones blessings taking 10 minutes to list five things that they are grateful for. Furthermore expressing appreciative writing, by thanking people who make a difference to their well being in a positive manner doing this once a month is recommended. Lastly participating in smiling and laughter yoga has a proven record of being a good source of showing some self compassion thus harbouring any negative emotions that may build up during the treatment and for those waiting for kidney transplantees. The PERMA model is a five dimensional well being model promoting Positive Well being for all with the main purpose of providing patients with long term illnesses with mini Positive Interventions to reach their full human potential. Let’s start the humble journey towards Worldwide Well being for all by 2051 (Seligman, 2001).
This piece of writing is dedicated to my Auntie Syeda Balquees Shah who is the most courageous and brave person I know undergoing dialysis.
GKF was founded by those who have gone through the traumatic experience of renal diseases and are aware of the effects it can have on not only the patients but also on their loved ones.
Provision of education among the general public and organisations on all aspects relating to organ donations in ways thought fit by the trustees
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