Welcome to Global Kidney Foundation
Healthy eating is consumption of food in the right quantities and varieties; this means in taking foods from all food groups. This will maintain a healthy lifestyle, you are what you eat.
People often mistake keeping fit and eating healthy, but the reality is that they are two separate factors of life. But they both define the duration and quality of a person(s) life.
A good diet is a nutritional lifestyle that promotes good health. One single food cannot provide the human body all the nutrients it needs. A healthy diet is one that is balanced this means consumption of foods from several food this is vital for good health.
GKF was founded by those who have gone through the traumatic experience of renal diseases and are aware of the effects it can have on not only the patients but also on their loved ones.
Provision of education among the general public and organisations on all aspects relating to organ donations in ways thought fit by the trustees
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