Chandra Sekharan
According to the NHS Blood and Transplant, there are over 6,000 people in the UK waiting for a transplant and there is a serious shortage of donors.
Chandrasekharan had a kidney transplant 32 years ago and his 60- years old Mother was the living kidney donor. Both are well and very actively promote kidney health and organ donation. Mr Sekharan's 92 year old Mother actively supports him in his work as a Founder and Chairman of the Kidney Foundation India. Chandrasekharan is also a Director of the Kidney Warriors Foundation in India, Ambassador American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP). He served as General Manager of Administration of a 400 bed Multi Speciality Hospital.
She is also a business entrepreneur and her mission is to bring drive and encouragement to men and women around the world to make a better, younger and healthier version of themselves through education, self-awareness and access to innovative anti-ageing products and award-winning devices.
Chandrasekharan was the first Indian Transplant Recipient and Medalist in Special World Olympics Games held in UAE in March 2019 and he was the organiser of the 1st Transplant Games in India in 2018.
He is the 1st Indian transplant recipient to sumit Colarado spring mountain (15 thousand feet altutude -i n minus 24 degree celsius) without supplemented oxygen in 2018 December 31st. His story was fearured in many local and international newspapers and media channels.
Please read below the brave personal story of 32 years Post-Renal Transplant Recipient:
The lifespan of a transplant kidney has significantly improved over the last 30 years. Beteween 1986 to 1995, 75% of the transplant kidney's still functional five years after the transplant. A transplanted kidney's life span is 15 to 20 years on average.
32 years ago V.G.chandrasekharan, underwent a kidney transplant. His 60 year old mother Smt.A.Sarvamangala was the living kidney donor. Chandrasekharan and his mother Smt.Sarvamangala are living proofs of the nobility and life saving benefits of kidney transplantation.
On January 1988, Chandrasekharan was diagnosed with end stage renal disease (ESRD) - his kidneys were failing. In order to survive he had two choices undergo periodic dialysis or have transplant.
His Nephrologist Dr.M.K.Mani, Chief Nephrologist, Apollo Hospital, Chennai informed him that kidney transplant is considered the treatment of choice for many ESRD Patients. Quality of life, and survival are better in kidney transplant recipients than in patients who are treated with dialysis. However getting a donor remains a challenge in KERALA.
Each kidney transplant patient has his or her unique story to tell. Chandrasekharan's & his 92 year old mother's story is a great inspiration to patients afflicted with kidney disease and transplant recipients.
His more than 32 years of extended life after kidney transplantation is a miracle of life's something that would never have been possible without Gift of Life through organ donation, Said Dr.Joseph Thachil, Chief Urologist, Apollo Hospital Chennai.
Fortunately 60 year old Smt.Sarvamangala decided to give the Gift of Life by donating one of her kidneys to her son chandrasekharan. On march 30, 1988, Chandrasekharan underwent a kidney tranplant. 32 years later, Chansrasekharan stood before fellow kidney transplant recipients and advocates to share his inspiriing story through his foundation, Kidney Foundation (Kerala) and going to launch his boook " UNSUNG HEROES".
"After my kidney transplant, each day has been a blessing. When people ask me what secret is that enabled me to survive and thrive as a kidney tranplant recipient for more than 32 years. I tell them there is no secret formula, said Chandrasekharan. The key to success is to be a compliant patient. Follow your doctors orders regarding maintenance medications, diet and life style and everything in moderation.
Chandrasekharan is loving father of two children and grandfather for one grandchild.
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